Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jessica Warren would love nothing more than to help make this Earth a more beautiful place. By making certain decisions in regards to the production of her new book "A New Home For Sunny", she hopes to do exactly that. Not only has she used environmentally friendly printing options for My Flower Child, but she also decided to include a special gift in each copy of her first book. In the back cover one will find a small pouch containing a yellow paper flower. These flowers, provided by the Green Fields Paper Company, are extremely biodegradable and embedded with sunflower seeds. Simply by planting them in the ground and watering them one can grow real-life versions of the book’s protagonist, Sunny, in their very own back yard!

The author encourages parents to connect with their children by helping them plant and care for their new flowers. The nurturing process aids children in social settings and fosters a caring attitude and sense of responsibility towards the environment and other people alike. Jessica also believes in spending time to get close to one another, and bonding over something as meaningful and beautiful as a growing life is excellent for any parent-child relationship.

Printed on each flower is the web address for MyFlowerChild.net. Jessica Warren specifically chose the supplier of the stamps, The Little Stamp Company, for their attitude and goals of making learning into an engaging and fun activity for both the child and the parent to enjoy together.

So, an emphatic “Thank You!” to The Little Stamp Company and Green Fields Paper Company, without either of whom the world would be a little less bright and this book would never have been possible. Links to their respective websites are provided above, so do yourself and your children a favor and visit them yourself right now!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008